As an Admin or Member of an organization, you can transfer projects in the following ways:

  • From personal accounts to organizations
  • Between different organizations

This guide explains how to transfer projects using both the UI and API methods, and covers important requirements and limitations.


Before transferring projects, review these important guidelines covering transfer limits, requirements, and other key considerations.

Transfer limits

Transfer methodProject limit
Neon ConsoleUp to 200 projects at a time
APIUp to 400 projects in a single operation
Python scriptUnlimited (processes in batches)

The number of projects you can transfer is limited by the target Organization plan's allowance.


  • Minimum Member role in the target Organization
  • Admin role in the source organization when transferring between organizations
  • Compatible billing plans (can transfer from higher to lower tier, not vice versa)
  • Projects must not have GitHub or Vercel integrations
  • Vercel-managed organizations are not supported

Additional considerations

  • If any organization members were already collaborators on the projects being transferred, we'll remove their collaborator access since they'll get full access as org members anyway
  • Transferring projects between Organizations is currently supported using the API only

Transfer from the Neon Console

You can transfer projects in a few ways:

  • Individual projects from your personal account to an organization
  • Individual projects between organizations
  • Bulk transfers from your personal account to an organization

Transfer a single project

From your project's Settings page, select the Transfer tab and choose a destination from your member organizations. For organization projects, Admin permissions are required to initiate the transfer.

transfer single project

Transfer projects in bulk

Navigate to the Organization you want to import projects into. In the Billing section, find Transfer projects in the list of "Get Started with your paid plan" actions. From this action, you can choose the projects you want to transfer — either all of them or a selection. The list of available projects is taken from existing projects in your personal account.

transfer projects in bulk

Transfer projects via API

You can transfer projects to a destination organization using two different API endpoints, depending on your use case:

Transfer personal projects to an organization

Use the Project Transfer API to transfer projects from your personal Neon account to a specified organization account.

POST /users/me/projects/transfer

The API call requires both the organization ID and the project IDs that you want to transfer. Below is an example using the API in a cURL command.

curl -X POST '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $NEON_API_KEY" \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "org_id": "org-cool-breeze-12345678",
  "project_ids": [

Example responses

Here's the response after a successful transfer:

  "status": "success",
  "message": "Projects successfully transferred from personal account to organization."

And here's a sample response showing incompatible subscription types:

  "limits": [
      "name": "subscription_type",
      "actual": "launch",
      "expected": "scale"
  "error": "Transfer failed: the organization has too many projects or its plan is incompatible with the source account."

Transfer projects between organizations

Use the Organization Transfer API to transfer projects between two specified organization accounts.

POST /organizations/{source_org_id}/projects/transfer

This requires:

  • Your personal API key with access to both the source and destination organizations
  • Admin permissions in the source organization (where projects are currently located)
  • At least Member permissions in the destination organization (where projects will be transferred to)
  • Compatible billing plans between organizations (e.g., projects can move from Scale to Launch but not the other way around)


Projects with GitHub or Vercel integrations cannot be transferred

Example request

curl --request POST \
     --url '{source_org_id}/projects/transfer' \
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --header 'authorization: Bearer $PERSONAL_API_KEY' \
     --header 'content-type: application/json' \
     --data '{
  "project_ids": [
  "destination_org_id": "destination-org-id"


  • source_org_id (in URL path) is the organization where projects currently reside
  • destination_org_id is the organization receiving the projects
  • project_ids is an array of up to 400 project IDs to transfer

Response behavior

A successful transfer returns a 200 status code with an empty JSON object:


You can verify the transfer in the Neon Console or by listing the projects in the destination organization via API.

Error responses

The API may return these errors:

  • 406 – Transfer failed - the target organization has too many projects or its plan is incompatible with the source organization. Reduce projects or upgrade the organization.
  • 422 – One or more of the provided project IDs have GitHub or Vercel integrations installed. Transferring integration projects is currently not supported.

Transfer large numbers of projects

When your number of projects exceeds the Console transfer limit of 200 (or the API transfer limit of 400), you can use the following Python script to transfer projects in batches.

How to use the script

  1. Replace placeholders: Update the script with your actual API key and organization ID.
  2. Run the script: Execute the script locally to transfer projects.

The script will efficiently handle large project transfers by splitting them into manageable batches of 400 projects at a time.

import requests

API_KEY = "your_api_key_here"
ORG_ID = "your_org_id_here"
"accept": "application/json",
"Authorization": f"Bearer {API_KEY}"

def fetch_all_projects():
   projects = []
   cursor = None

    while True:
        url = PROJECTS_API_URL
        if cursor:
            url += f"&cursor={cursor}"

        response = requests.get(url, headers=HEADERS)
        if response.status_code != 200:
            raise Exception(f"Failed to fetch projects: {response.text}")

        data = response.json()
        projects.extend(data.get("projects", []))
        if len(projects) == 0:

        cursor = data.get("pagination", {}).get("cursor")
        if cursor == projects[-1].get("id"):

    return projects

def transfer_projects(project_ids):
   payload = {
   "project_ids": project_ids,
   "org_id": ORG_ID

    response =, json=payload, headers=HEADERS)
    if response.status_code == 200:
        print(f"Successfully transferred projects: {project_ids}")
    elif response.status_code == 406:
        print("Transfer failed due to insufficient organization limits.")
    elif response.status_code == 501:
        print("Transfer failed because one or more projects have integration linked.")
        print(f"Transfer failed: {response.text}")

def main():
   all_projects = fetch_all_projects()
   print(f"Fetched {len(all_projects)} projects.")

    # Split the projects into batches of 400 for transfer
    batch_size = 400
    for i in range(0, len(all_projects), batch_size):
        batch = all_projects[i:i + batch_size]
        project_ids = [project["id"] for project in batch]

if _name_ == "_main_":