To stay informed about Neon's status, we provide a dedicated status page for each region that Neon supports. To view the Neon Status page, navigate to
Remember to bookmark the Neon Status page for easy access.
For status information applicable to your Neon project, monitor the status page for the region where your Neon project resides. If you don't know the region, you can find it on the Project Dashboard in the Neon Console.
Status pages provide status for:
- Database Connectivity
- Database Operations
- Console and API Requests
platform maintenance notices
You can monitor or subscribe to your region's status page to stay informed about upcoming platform maintenance. See Subscribing to Neon status pages below.
Neon also applies regular updates to your project's computes, but these updates are not posted to regional status pages since they are specific to your Neon project. To stay informed about these updates, watch for update notices in your project's settings in the Neon Console. See Updates for details.
Subscribing to Neon status pages
Follow the instructions from the Subscribe to updates link on a regional status page to subscribe to updates via email, RSS, or Slack.
Need help?
Join our Discord Server to ask questions or see what others are doing with Neon. Users on paid plans can open a support ticket from the console. For more details, see Getting Support.