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About Neon Auth


Automatically sync user profiles from your auth provider directly to your database

Feature coming soon

This feature is currently available to members in our Early Access Program. Sign up here or from your user profile settings in the Neon Console.

Neon Auth connects your authentication provider to your Neon database, automatically synchronizing user profiles so that you own your auth data. Access your user data directly in your database environment, with no custom integration code needed.

Authentication and synchronization

When implementing user authentication, it is common to use managed authentication providers like Stack Auth, Clerk, and others to handle the complexities of user identity, passwords, and security. However, keeping your database in sync with these providers typically requires additional development work.

Neon Auth solves this by integrating your auth provider with your Postgres database, ensuring your application always has access to up-to-date user information right from your database.

Key benefits

  • Provision auth provider projects and manage your users directly from the Neon Console
  • Automated synchronization of user profiles between auth provider and your database
  • Easy database relationships, since your user profiles are available as any other table

How Neon Auth works

When you set up Neon Auth, we create a neon_auth schema in your database. As users authenticate and manage their profiles in your auth provider, their data is automatically synchronized to your database.

Here is the basic flow:

  1. User profiles are created and managed in your authentication provider

    This view shows the list of users inside your auth provider (e.g. Stack Auth). When new users sign up or update their profiles in your app, their data first appears here: Users in Auth Provider

  2. Neon Auth syncs their data to your database

    This view shows the synced user profiles in Neon Auth. This is where Neon manages the connection between your database and the authentication provider. Same users in Neon Auth

  3. The data is immediately available in your database

    The synchronized data is available in the neon_auth.users_sync table shortly after the auth provider processes changes. Here's an example query to inspect the synchronized data:

    SELECT * FROM neon_auth.users_sync;
    21373f88...Sarah Chensarah@acme.dev2024-12-17...{"id": "21373f88-...", ...}
    0310a9a5...Alex Kumaralex@startmeup.co2024-12-17...{"id": "0310a9a5-...", ...}

Table structure

The following columns are included in the neon_auth.users_sync table:

  • raw_json: Complete user profile as JSON
  • id: The unique ID of the user
  • name: The user's display name (nullable)
  • email: The user's primary email (nullable)
  • created_at: When the user signed up (nullable)
  • deleted_at: When the user was deleted, if applicable (nullable)

Updates to user profiles in the auth provider are automatically synchronized.


Do not try to change the neon_auth.users_sync table name. It's needed for the synchronization process to work correctly.

Before and after Neon Auth

Let's take a look at how Neon Auth can help simplify the code in a typical todos application:

Before Neon Auth

Without Neon Auth, keeping user data in sync often involves:

  1. Using additional services (like Inngest) for background jobs
  2. Writing and maintaining sync logic

Here's how you'd typically sync user data without Neon Auth:

import { AuthProvider } from '@auth/sdk';
import { BackgroundJobs } from '@jobs/sdk';
import { db } from '@/db';

// Set up sync handling
const jobs = new BackgroundJobs();

jobs.on('user.updated', async (event) => {
  const { userId } = event;

  // Fetch user data from auth provider
  const auth = new AuthProvider();
  const user = await auth.getUser(userId);

  // Update database
  await db.query(
    INSERT INTO users (id, email, name)
    VALUES ($1, $2, $3)
    SET email = $2, name = $3

After Neon Auth

With Neon Auth, much of this complexity is eliminated. Since user data is automatically synced to neon_auth.users_sync, you can just create the todo:

async function createTodo(userId: string, task: string) {
  return db.query(
    `INSERT INTO todos (task, user_id) 
     VALUES ($1, $2)`,
    [task, userId]

Getting started

  1. From the Neon Console, navigate to the Auth tab. Choose your provider and click Connect. Currently, only Stack Auth is available for Early Access users.
  2. You'll be asked to authenticate and select the project you want to integrate with.
  3. Once connected, you'll see the integration view. This shows your synced users, connection status, and quick links to your provider's documentation and console to help configure your application (e.g. SSO or API keys)

Here's an example of Neon Auth with Stack Auth. As we add more providers and features, this interface will continue to evolve.

Neon Auth with stackauth deployed

Best practices

Foreign keys and the users_sync table

Since the neon_auth.users_sync table is updated asynchronously, there may be a brief delay (usually less than 1 second) before a user's data appears in the table. Consider this possible delay when deciding whether to use foreign keys in your schema.

If you do choose to use foreign keys, make sure to specify an ON DELETE behavior that matches your needs: for example, CASCADE for personal data like todos or user preferences, and SET NULL for content like blog posts or comments that should persist after user deletion.

-- For personal data that should be removed with the user (e.g., todos)
    task TEXT NOT NULL,
    user_id UUID NOT NULL REFERENCES neon_auth.users_sync(id) ON DELETE CASCADE,

-- For content that should persist after user deletion (e.g., blog posts)
    title TEXT NOT NULL,
    content TEXT NOT NULL,
    author_id UUID REFERENCES neon_auth.users_sync(id) ON DELETE SET NULL,

Querying user data

When querying data that relates to users:

  • Use LEFT JOINs instead of INNER JOINs with the users_sync table in case of any sync delays. This ensures that all records from the main table (e.g., posts) are returned even if there's no matching user in the users_sync table yet.
  • Filter out deleted users since the table uses soft deletes (users are marked with a deleted_at timestamp when deleted).

Here's an example of how to handle both in your queries:

SELECT posts.*, as author_name
FROM posts
LEFT JOIN neon_auth.users_sync ON posts.author_id =
WHERE neon_auth.users_sync.deleted_at IS NULL;

Last updated on

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