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Neon CLI commands — vpc

Use the Neon CLI to manage Neon directly from the terminal

Before you begin

  • Before running a vpc command, ensure that you have installed the Neon CLI.
  • If you have not authenticated with the neon auth command, running a Neon CLI command automatically launches the Neon CLI browser authentication process. Alternatively, you can specify a Neon API key using the --api-key option when running a command. See Connect.

The vpc command

You can use the vpc CLI command to manage Private Networking configurations in Neon.

The vpc command includes subcommands for managing VPC endpoints and project-level VPC endpoint restrictions.

endpointManage VPC endpoints
projectManage project-level VPC endpoint restrictions

The vpc endpoint subcommand

The vpc endpoint subcommand lets you to list, assign, remove, and get the status of VPC endpoints for a Neon organization.


listList configured VPC endpoints for the Neon organization.
assign <id>Add or update a VPC endpoint in the Neon organization. The ID is the VPC endpoint ID. Aliases for this command are add and update
remove <id>Remove a VPC endpoint from the Neon organization. The ID is the VPC endpoint ID. A removed VPC endpoint cannot be added back.
status <id>Get the status of a VPC endpoint for the Neon organization. The ID is the VPC endpoint ID.


In addition to the Neon CLI global options, the vpc endpoint subcommand supports these options:

--context-fileContext file path and file namestring
--org-idOrganization IDstringOnly if the user has more than one organization. If not specified, and the user has only one organization, that org_id is used.
--region-idThe region ID. Possible values: aws-us-west-2, aws-ap-southeast-1, aws-ap-southeast-2, aws-eu-central-1, aws-us-east-2, aws-us-east-1, azure-eastus2stringyes


  • List VPC endpoints

    Retrieve a list of all configured VPC endpoints for a specific Neon organization.

    neon vpc endpoint list --org-id org-bold-bonus-12345678
  • Assign a VPC endpoint

    Add or update a VPC endpoint for a specific Neon organization and region.

    neon vpc endpoint assign vpce-1234567890abcdef0 --org-id org-bold-bonus-12345678 --region-id aws-us-east-1

    After assigning a VPC endpoint to a Neon organization, client connections will be accepted from the corresponding VPC for all projects in the Neon organization, unless restricted. Aliases for this command are add and update.

  • Remove a VPC endpoint

    Delete an existing VPC endpoint from a specific Neon organization.

    neon vpc endpoint remove vpce-1234567890abcdef0 --org-id org-bold-bonus-12345678


    A removed VPC endpoint cannot be added back to the Neon organization.

  • Get the status of a VPC endpoint

    Check the status of a specific VPC endpoint in a Neon organization.

    neon vpc endpoint status vpce-1234567890abcdef0 --org-id org-bold-bonus-12345678

The vpc project subcommand

The vpc project subcommand lets you list, configure, or remove VPC endpoint restrictions to prevent access to specific projects in your Neon organization.


listList all VPC endpoint restrictions for a specific project.
restrict <id>Configure or update a VPC endpoint restriction for a project. The ID is the VPC endpoint ID. [Alias: update]
remove <id>Remove a VPC endpoint restriction from a project. The ID is the VPC endpoint ID.


In addition to the Neon CLI global options, the vpc project subcommand supports these options:

--context-fileContext file path and file namestring
--project-idThe Project ID.stringyes


  • List project-level VPC endpoint restrictions

    List all VPC endpoint restrictions for the specified Neon project.

    neon vpc project list --project-id orange-credit-12345678
  • Restrict connections to a specific VPC

    Configure or update a VPC endpoint restriction for a Neon project. When a VPC endpoint ID is assigned as a restriction, the specified project only accepts connections from the specified VPC.

    neon vpc project restrict vpce-1234567890abcdef0 --project-id orange-credit-12345678
  • Remove a VPC endpoint restriction

    Remove a VPC endpoint restriction from a specific Neon project.

    neon vpc project remove vpce-1234567890abcdef0 --project-id orange-credit-12345678

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