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Neon CLI commands — projects

Use the Neon CLI to manage Neon directly from the terminal

Before you begin

  • Before running the projects command, ensure that you have installed the Neon CLI.
  • If you have not authenticated with the neon auth command, running a Neon CLI command automatically launches the Neon CLI browser authentication process. Alternatively, you can specify a Neon API key using the --api-key option when running a command. See Connect.

For information about projects in Neon, see Projects.

The projects command

The projects command allows you to list, create, update, delete, and retrieve information about Neon projects.


neon projects <subcommand> [options]
listList projects
createCreate a project
updateUpdate a project
deleteDelete a project
getGet a project


This subcommand allows you to list projects that belong to your Neon account, as well as any projects that were shared with you.


neon projects list [options]


In addition to the Neon CLI global options, the projects subcommand supports this option:

--context-fileContext file path and file namestring
--org-idList all projects belonging to the specified organization. If unspecified, personal account projects are listed instead.string


  • List all projects belonging to your personal acccount

    neon projects list
     Id Name Region Id Created At
     crimson-voice-12345678 frontend aws-us-east-2 2024-04-15T11:17:30Z
     calm-thunder-12121212 backend aws-us-east-2 2024-04-10T15:21:01Z
     nameless-hall-87654321 billing aws-us-east-2 2024-04-10T14:35:17Z
    Shared with you
     Id Name Region Id Created At
     noisy-fire-212121 API aws-eu-central-1 2023-04-22T18:41:13Z
  • List all projects belonging to the specified organization.

    neon projects list --org-id org-xxxx-xxxx
     Id Name Region Id Created At
     bright-moon-12345678 dev-backend-api aws-us-east-2 2024-07-26T11:43:37Z
     silent-forest-87654321 test-integration-service aws-eu-central-1 2024-05-30T22:14:49Z
     crystal-stream-23456789 staging-web-app aws-us-east-2 2024-05-17T13:47:35Z


This subcommand allows you to create a Neon project.


neon projects create [options]


In addition to the Neon CLI global options, the create subcommand supports these options:

--context-fileContext file path and file name.string
--nameThe project name. The project ID is used if a name is not specified.string
--region-idThe region ID. Possible values: aws-us-west-2, aws-ap-southeast-1, aws-ap-southeast-2, aws-eu-central-1, aws-us-east-1, aws-us-east-2, azure-eastus2. Defaults to aws-us-east-2 if not specified.string
--org-idThe organization ID where you want this project to be created. If unspecified, the project is created in your personal account.string
--psqlConnect to your new project's database via psql immediately on project creation.boolean
--databaseThe database name. If not specified, the default database name will be used.string
--roleThe role name. If not specified, the default role name will be used.string
--set-contextSet the current context to the new project.boolean
--cuThe compute size for the default branch's primary compute. Could be a fixed size (e.g., "2") or a range delimited by a dash (e.g., "0.5-3").string


Neon projects created using the CLI use the default Postgres version, which is Postgres 17. To create a project with a different Postgres version, you can use the Neon Console or Neon API.


  • Create a project with a user-defined name in a specific region:

    neon projects create --name mynewproject --region-id aws-us-west-2
     Id Name Region Id Created At
     muddy-wood-859533 mynewproject aws-us-west-2 2023-07-09T17:04:29Z
     Connection Uri


    The Neon CLI provides a neon connection-string command you can use to extract a connection uri programmatically. See Neon CLI commands — connection-string.

  • Create a project with the --output format of the command set to json. This output format returns all of the project response data, whereas the default table output format (shown in the preceding example) is limited in the information it can display.

    neon projects create --output json
    Example output
    "project": {
        "data_storage_bytes_hour": 0,
        "data_transfer_bytes": 0,
        "written_data_bytes": 0,
        "compute_time_seconds": 0,
        "active_time_seconds": 0,
        "cpu_used_sec": 0,
        "id": "long-wind-77910944",
        "platform_id": "aws",
        "region_id": "aws-us-east-2",
        "name": "long-wind-77910944",
        "provisioner": "k8s-pod",
        "default_endpoint_settings": {
        "autoscaling_limit_min_cu": 1,
        "autoscaling_limit_max_cu": 1,
        "suspend_timeout_seconds": 0
        "pg_version": 17,
        "proxy_host": "",
        "branch_logical_size_limit": 204800,
        "branch_logical_size_limit_bytes": 214748364800,
        "store_passwords": true,
        "creation_source": "neonctl",
        "history_retention_seconds": 604800,
        "created_at": "2023-08-04T16:16:45Z",
        "updated_at": "2023-08-04T16:16:45Z",
        "consumption_period_start": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
        "consumption_period_end": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
        "owner_id": "e56ad68e-7f2f-4d74-928c-9ea25d7e9864"
    "connection_uris": [
        "connection_uri": "postgresql://",
        "connection_parameters": {
            "database": "dbname",
            "password": "AbC123dEf",
            "role": "alex",
            "host": "",
            "pooler_host": ""
  • Create a project and connect to it with psql.

    neon project create --psql
  • Create a project, connect to it with psql, and run an .sql file.

    neon project create --psql -- -f dump.sql
  • Create a project, connect to it with psql, and run a query.

    neon project create --psql -- -c "SELECT version()"
  • Create a project and set the Neon CLI project context.

    neon project create --psql --set-context


This subcommand allows you to update a Neon project.


neon projects update <id> [options]

The id is the project ID, which you can obtain by listing your projects or from the Settings page in the Neon Console.


In addition to the Neon CLI global options, the update subcommand supports this option:

--context-fileContext file path and file namestring
--block-vpc-connectionsWhen set, connections using VPC endpoints are disallowed. Use --block-vpc-connections=false to set the value to false.boolean
--block-public-connectionsWhen set, connections from the public internet are disallowed. Use --block-public-connections=false to set the value to false.boolean
--cuThe compute size for the default branch's primary compute. Could be a fixed size (e.g., "2") or a range delimited by a dash (e.g., "0.5-3").string
--nameThe project name. The value cannot be empty.string


  • Update the project name:

    neon projects update muddy-wood-859533 --name dev_project_1
     Id Name Region Id Created At
     muddy-wood-859533 dev_project_1 aws-us-west-2 2023-07-09T17:04:29Z
  • Block connections from the public internet:

    This option is used with Neon's Private Networking feature to block access from the public internet. See Private Networking — Restrict public internet access. You must specify the ID of you Neon project, as shown below.

    neon projects update orange-credit-12345678 --block-public-connections=true


This subcommand allows you to delete a Neon project.

neon projects delete <id> [options]

The id is the project ID, which you can obtain by listing your projects or from the Settings page in the Neon Console.


Only global options apply.


neon projects delete muddy-wood-859533
 Id Name Region Id Created At
 muddy-wood-859533 dev_project_1 aws-us-west-2 2023-07-09T17:04:29Z

Information about the deleted project is displayed. You can verify that the project was deleted by running neon projects list.


This subcommand allows you to retrieve details about a Neon project.


neon projects get <id> [options]

The id is the project ID, which you can obtain by listing your projects or from the Settings page in the Neon Console.


In addition to the Neon CLI global options, the delete subcommand supports this option:

--context-fileContext file path and file name.string


neon projects get muddy-wood-859533
 Id Name Region Id Created At
 muddy-wood-859533 dev_project_1 aws-us-west-2 2023-07-09T17:04:29Z

Need help?

Join our Discord Server to ask questions or see what others are doing with Neon. Users on paid plans can open a support ticket from the console. For more details, see Getting Support.

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