Our goal at Neon is to make the sales process as easy and efficient as possible. Below, we've outlined our typical process so you'll know what to expect when you contact us. Depending on your needs, additional discussions and consultations may be required. We'll be happy to arrange those as needed.

  1. Reach out to us

    Start by filling out our contact form to let us know how we can help. If you’re looking for specific plans or pricing, sharing details about your feature requirements and workload will get the ball rolling immediately and speed up the overall process.

  2. Information gathering

    After contacting us, we'll email you to gather more information about your requirements. We'll ask you for information about:

    • Your current database environment, such as the number of databases, regions, your application stack, and integrations with other tools, platforms, and services.
    • Your workload, feature, and performance requirements.
    • Security and compliance requirements.
    • Your desired outcome and timeline.

    We may also ask you to run our pg-prechecks script to gather details about your Postgres server and send the results back to us. These details help us understand your needs and prepare pricing and migration proposals.

    about pg-prechecks

    The pg-prechecks script provides a summary of a Postgres database server’s status and configuration. It's a modified version of pt-pg-summary, which is part of the Percona Toolkit. To learn more about this tool, refer to the pg-prechecks README.

  3. Call with the Neon Solutions team

    If an Enterprise plan is a good fit for your use case, the Neon Solutions team will set up a call to discuss:

    • Configuration options and timelines
    • Add-ons like support packages or custom requirements
    • Any other questions you might have

    If you're interested in learning more about specific features, we can provide a demo or schedule a follow-up call.

    The Neon solutions team is made up of experienced technical staff who have worked through many complex migrations with some of our largest customers.

  4. Pricing and migration proposal

    We’ll create a pricing proposal based on our discussions, often including a proof-of-concept migration plan. The proposal will be tailored according to:

    • Information from our initial conversation
    • Your environment details
    • Your workload, feature, and performance requirements

    We’ll send the pricing proposal and migration plan and arrange a follow-up call to discuss them, answer any questions you may have, and set out timelines should you decide to move forward.

  5. Additional details

    For complex setups, we may request additional information, such as:

    • Specifics about your current environment
    • Usage and billing details from your current provider
  6. Stakeholder support

    At any time during the process, we’ll be happy to support your security team or other stakeholders by:

    • Answering security-related questions
    • Providing documentation
    • Participating in security and compliance reviews as needed

We’ve laid out our typical process above, but we're flexible and ready to adjust the process to fit your specific requirements. Contact us to get started.