We're now in Australia
Neon is now available in the Asia Pacific (Sydney) region.
You can select the region for your Neon project during project creation. See Create a project.
For information about the regions Neon supports, see Regions.
Postgres extension update for plv8
We updated the plv8
extension to version 3.1.10. If you installed this extension previously and want to upgrade to the latest version, please refer to Update an extension version for instructions.
is a Javascript language extension for Postgres. To learn more, refer to the PLV8 documentation. For a list of all Postgres extensions supported by Neon, see Supported Postgres extensions.
Vercel integration enhancements
The following updates were made to the Neon Vercel Integration:
- Preview deployment branches are now created from the default branch of your Neon project. Previously, the integration created branches from the root branch of your Neon project, which is designated as your project's default branch by default. Neon lets you change your default branch. If you have an older version of the integration and you want branches created from your project's default branch instead of root, reinstall the integration from the Vercel Marketplace.
- The integration now appends the
option to the Neon connection string that it sets for theDATABASE_URL
environment variable in Vercel. - Fixed an issue that prevented using the integration with more than one Vercel project.
- Fixed an issue that set the
variable in the Vercel project settings to a pooled Neon database connection string instead of a direct database connection string.
Fixes & improvements
- Free Tier users with access to a project shared by a Neon Pro Plan account can now submit support requests via the Support link in the Neon Console sidebar.
- Fixed an issue that caused shared projects to be displayed under Projects instead of Shared with me on the Projects page in the Neon Console.
- The Edit compute modal, accessed via the Branches page in the Neon Console, was reimplemented as a side drawer.
What's new in docs?
To help our users unlock the full potential of Postgres, we're building out our Postgres function documentation. Whether you're a seasoned Postgres user or new to the platform, our new function guides can help you get started.
- array_to_json()
- dense_rank()
- json_array_elements()
- jsonb_array_elements()
- json_build_object()
- json_each()
- json_extract_path()
- json_extract_path_text()
- json_object()
- json_populate_record()
- json_to_record()
Postman public workspace and collection for the Neon API
We've published a Postman public workspace and collection for the Neon API:
From the Neon blog
In case you missed them, be sure to check out our latest blog posts: