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Building AI Agents with CrewAI, Composio, and Neon

A step-by-step guide to building AI agents using CrewAI, Composio, and Neon API

In today's AI-driven world, the ability to connect intelligent agents with powerful tools is key to building sophisticated applications. Imagine AI agents that can not only think and plan but also seamlessly interact with your database to retrieve information, manage resources, and perform complex tasks. This guide explores exactly that, demonstrating how to harness the power of CrewAI for agent orchestration, Composio for tool integration, and Neon API for database management.

Composio acts as a crucial bridge, empowering your CrewAI agents with the ability to interact directly with the Neon API. This integration unlocks a range of possibilities, from querying your Neon project details to managing your database infrastructure programmatically through AI. By leveraging Composio's wide range of tools, you can equip your AI agents with a comprehensive suite of actions, all without needing to wrestle with complex API integrations manually.

This guide provides a practical, hands-on approach to building an AI agent capable of retrieving information from your Neon account. You'll not only see how easily these technologies integrate but also gain a foundational understanding of how to extend this setup for more advanced AI-driven database interactions.


Before you start, make sure you have the following prerequisites in place:

  • Python 3.7 or higher: This guide uses Python. If you don't have it already, download and install it from python.org.

  • Neon account and API Key:

    • Sign up for a free Neon account at neon.tech.
    • Once signed up, you can find your Neon API Key here. You'll need this key to authenticate your application with Neon.
  • Composio account and API Key:

    • Create a Composio account by visiting composio.dev.
    • After signing up and logging in, your Composio API key will be available in your Composio dashboard. You will need this to authenticate your application.
  • OpenAI account and API Key:

    • This guide uses gpt-4o-mini from OpenAI to power the AI agent. If you don't have one, sign up for an account at platform.openai.com.
    • Create a new API key in the OpenAI Platform API keys section. This key will allow CrewAI to interact with OpenAI's GPT-4o model.

Once these prerequisites in place, you'll be ready to follow the guide and build your AI agent.

Building your AI Agent to interact with Neon API

Now, let's dive into building your AI agent that can interact with Neon API using CrewAI and Composio. We'll go through each step, from setting up your project to running your first agent.

Project structure

For this guide, we'll keep the project structure simple. Create a directory for your project, for example neon-composio-crewai, and inside it, you'll have the following files:

mkdir neon-composio-crewai
├── main.py         # Main Python script to run the AI agent
├── requirements.txt # Lists Python dependencies
├── .env            # Your environment variables

Setting up a virtual environment

It's a good practice to create a virtual environment for your project to manage dependencies. You can create a virtual environment using venv:

cd neon-composio-crewai
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate # on Windows, use `venv\Scripts\activate`

Installing required libraries

Next, you need to install the necessary Python libraries for this project. Create a requirements.txt file in your project directory and add the following lines:


Then, install the libraries using pip:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Configuring API Keys in .env

Create a new file named .env in your project directory and add the following lines:


Replace the placeholders YOUR_OPENAI_API_KEY, YOUR_COMPOSIO_API_KEY, and YOUR_NEON_API_KEY with your actual API keys that you obtained in the Prerequisites section.


Make sure you have added .env to your .gitignore file if you are using Git. This prevents your API keys from being accidentally committed to your code repository.

Creating the main.py file

Create a new file named main.py in your project root directory and paste the following code into it:

import os

from crewai import Agent, Task, Crew
from composio_crewai import ComposioToolSet, App
from dotenv import load_dotenv


toolset = ComposioToolSet()

# To connect to Neon, either create a new connection or use an existing one configured in your Composio dashboard (Apps -> Integrations).
# You can comment out the connection creation if you have already created a connection in the dashboard.
connection = toolset.initiate_connection(
    app=App.NEON, connected_account_params={"api_key": os.getenv("NEON_API_KEY")}

tools = toolset.get_tools(actions=["NEON_GET_CURRENT_USER_INFORMATION"])

# Define agent
crewai_agent = Agent(
    goal="""You are an AI agent that is responsible for taking actions based on the tools you have""",
        "You are AI agent that is responsible for taking actions based on the tools you have"

task = Task(
    description="List me my neon current user details",
    expected_output="All important details of the current user in a single sentence.",

my_crew = Crew(agents=[crewai_agent], tasks=[task])

result = my_crew.kickoff()

Let's break down what this python script does step by step:

Import necessary libraries and load environment variables

import os

from crewai import Agent, Task, Crew
from composio_crewai import ComposioToolSet, App
from dotenv import load_dotenv


Just like any Python script, we start by importing the necessary libraries. In this case, we import the CrewAI library, the Composio CrewAI library, and the load_dotenv function from the python-dotenv library. We also call load_dotenv() to load environment variables from the .env file.

Initialize ComposioToolSet

toolset = ComposioToolSet()

This creates an instance of ComposioToolSet, which is the main entry point to interact with Composio tools from CrewAI.

Initiate connection to Neon

connection = toolset.initiate_connection(
    app=App.NEON, connected_account_params={"api_key": os.getenv("NEON_API_KEY")}
  • toolset.initiate_connection(...) initiates a connection to a specific app in Composio.
  • app=App.NEON specifies that the connection is for the Neon app.
  • connected_account_params={"api_key": os.getenv("NEON_API_KEY")} provides the Neon API key for authentication. This API key is retrieved from your environment variables.


If you have already set up a Neon connection in your Composio dashboard, you can comment out these lines. The existing connection will be used automatically when you specify the app in the toolset methods. However, for the guide, we are showing how to establish a connection programmatically.

Retrieve tools

tools = toolset.get_tools(actions=["NEON_GET_CURRENT_USER_INFORMATION"])
  • toolset.get_tools(actions=[...]) fetches the specified tools (actions) from the Composio toolset.
  • actions=["NEON_GET_CURRENT_USER_INFORMATION"] indicates that we want to use the NEON_GET_CURRENT_USER_INFORMATION action, which retrieves your Neon user details. This action is part of the Neon toolset in Composio.

Define the AI Agent

crewai_agent = Agent(
    goal="""You are an AI agent that is responsible for taking actions based on the tools you have""",
        "You are AI agent that is responsible for taking actions based on the tools you have"

This code defines a CrewAI agent named crewai_agent.

  • role, goal, backstory: These attributes define the agent's identity and purpose.
  • verbose=True: Enables detailed output from the agent, useful for debugging and understanding the agent's thought process.
  • tools=tools: Assigns the Composio Neon tools we retrieved in the previous step to this agent. The agent can now use these tools to perform actions.
  • llm="gpt-4o-mini": Specifies that the agent will use the gpt-4o-mini language model from OpenAI.

Define the Task

task = Task(
    description="List me my neon current user details",
    expected_output="All important details of the current user in a single sentence.",

This creates a task for the agent to perform.

  • description: Describes the task for the agent: "List me my neon current user details".
  • agent=crewai_agent: Assigns the task to the crewai_agent we defined.
  • expected_output: (Optional) Specifies the desired output format for the task.

Create and run the Crew

my_crew = Crew(agents=[crewai_agent], tasks=[task])

result = my_crew.kickoff()
  • my_crew = Crew(...): Creates a CrewAI crew with the defined agents and tasks.
  • result = my_crew.kickoff(): Starts the crew execution. The agent will now execute the assigned task.
  • print(result): Prints the result returned by the agent after completing the task. This will be the Neon user information.

Running the example

Now that you have set up your project, installed dependencies, and configured your API keys, you are ready to run the example

In your terminal, run:

python main.py

This command will:

  • Run the main.py Python script.
  • The script will connect to Composio and Neon using your provided API keys.
  • It will create a CrewAI agent.
  • The agent will use the NEON_GET_CURRENT_USER_INFORMATION Composio tool action to retrieve your Neon user information.
  • Finally, it will print the retrieved user information in your terminal.

Expected output

After running python main.py, you should see the information about your Neon user printed in the terminal! The output will look something like this:

Example output

Congratulations! You have successfully built and run an AI agent that can interact with your Neon account using CrewAI and Composio!

Explore Further Neon Actions

The Composio Neon tool provides a wide range of actions you can use to manage your Neon projects. The example we just ran used the NEON_GET_CURRENT_USER_INFORMATION action to retrieve your user details. You can modify the main.py script to experiment with other actions. For example, to get a list of your Neon projects, you would change the actions list in toolset.get_tools(...) to:

tools = toolset.get_tools(actions=["NEON_RETRIEVE_PROJECTS_LIST"])

and update the task description accordingly.

Here's a list of all the available actions that you can use with the Neon Composio tool:


These actions are subject to change. For the latest information and a complete list of available actions, please check the availaible actions under Neon app in your Composio dashboard. Neon Composio Tool Actions

Action nameDescription
NEON_RETRIEVE_PROJECTS_LISTRetrieves a list of all Neon projects associated with the authenticated user's account.
NEON_CREATE_VPC_ENDPOINT_WITH_LABELUpdates the label of a specific VPC endpoint within an organization's VPC in a particular AWS region.
NEON_RETRIEVE_ORGANIZATION_BY_IDRetrieves detailed information about a specific organization within the Neon platform.
NEON_FETCH_VPCENDPOINT_DETAILS_BY_IDRetrieves detailed information about a specific VPC endpoint within an organization's infrastructure.
NEON_TRANSFER_USER_PROJECTS_TO_ORGANIZATIONTransfers multiple projects from the authenticated user's personal account to a specified organization.
NEON_CREATE_VPC_ENDPOINT_LABELUpdates the label of a specific VPC endpoint within a project.
NEON_GET_BRANCHES_FOR_PROJECTRetrieves a list of branches associated with a specific project.
NEON_GET_CURRENT_USER_INFORMATIONRetrieves the profile information for the currently authenticated user.
NEON_DELETE_VPC_ENDPOINT_BY_IDSDeletes a specific VPC endpoint within a given organization and region.
NEON_GET_USER_ORGANIZATIONSRetrieves a list of organizations associated with the currently authenticated user.
NEON_FETCH_ORGANIZATION_MEMBERS_BY_IDRetrieves a list of all members associated with a specific organization.
NEON_RETRIEVE_PROJECT_OPERATIONSRetrieves a list of operations associated with a specific project.
NEON_GET_PROJECT_CONNECTION_URIRetrieves the connection URI for a specified project.
NEON_GET_PROJECT_ENDPOINT_INFORMATIONRetrieves a list of all endpoints associated with a specific project.
NEON_RETRIEVE_ORGANIZATION_MEMBER_INFORetrieves detailed information about a specific member within an organization.
NEON_RETRIEVE_ALL_REGIONSRetrieves a list of available geographic regions supported by the Neon platform.
NEON_UPDATE_ORGANIZATION_MEMBER_ROLEUpdates the role of a specific member within an organization.
NEON_SEND_ORGANIZATION_INVITATIONSCreates and sends invitations to join an organization.
NEON_GET_BRANCH_ROLES_FOR_PROJECTRetrieves the roles associated with a specific branch within a project.
NEON_LIST_SHARED_PROJECTSRetrieves a list of shared projects accessible to the authenticated user.
NEON_ACCESS_PROJECT_DETAILS_BY_IDRetrieves detailed information about a specific project.
NEON_FETCH_DATABASE_FOR_BRANCHRetrieves a list of databases associated with a specific project and branch.
NEON_DELETE_API_KEY_BY_IDDeletes a specific API key from the Neon platform.
NEON_RETRIEVE_PROJECT_ENDPOINT_DETAILSRetrieves detailed information about a specific endpoint within a project.
NEON_RETRIEVE_ACCOUNT_CONSUMPTION_HISTORYRetrieves the consumption history for a specified account.
NEON_DELETE_PROJECT_PERMISSIONDeletes a specific permission associated with a project.
NEON_GET_SCHEMA_FOR_PROJECT_BRANCHRetrieves the schema definition for a specific branch within a project.
NEON_RETRIEVE_ORGANIZATION_INVITATIONSRetrieves a list of all pending invitations for a specified organization.
NEON_DELETE_VPC_ENDPOINT_BY_PROJECT_IDDeletes a specific VPC endpoint within a designated project.
NEON_GET_VPC_REGION_ENDPOINTSRetrieves a list of VPC endpoints for a specified organization within a particular AWS region.
NEON_RETRIEVE_BRANCH_DATABASE_DETAILSRetrieves detailed information about a specific database within a Neon project and branch.
NEON_RESET_ROLE_PASSWORD_FOR_BRANCHResets the password for a specific role within a project branch.
NEON_DELETE_PROJECT_BRANCH_BY_IDDeletes a specific branch within a project.
NEON_DELETE_PROJECT_ENDPOINTDeletes a specific endpoint within a Neon project.
NEON_LIST_API_KEYSRetrieves a list of API keys associated with the authenticated user's account.
NEON_ADD_NEW_JWKS_TO_PROJECT_ENDPOINTAdds a new JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) to a specific endpoint of a project.
NEON_CREATE_NEW_API_KEYCreates a new API key for accessing the Neon platform.
NEON_RETRIEVE_JWKS_FOR_PROJECTRetrieves the JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) for a specified project.
NEON_GET_CONSUMPTION_HISTORY_PROJECTSRetrieves the consumption history for specified projects.
NEON_SUSPEND_PROJECT_ENDPOINT_BY_IDSuspends a specific endpoint within a project.
NEON_DELETE_PROJECT_JWKS_BY_IDDeletes a specific JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) associated with a given project.
NEON_GET_PROJECT_OPERATION_BY_IDRetrieves detailed information about a specific operation within a project.
NEON_UPDATE_PROJECT_SETTINGS_BY_IDUpdates the configuration and settings of a specific Neon project.
NEON_GET_PROJECT_BRANCHESRetrieves detailed information about a specific branch within a Neon project.
NEON_DELETE_PROJECT_BY_IDDeletes a specific project from the Neon platform.
NEON_DELETE_DATABASE_FROM_BRANCHDeletes a specific database from a designated branch within a project.
NEON_RETRIEVE_BRANCH_ENDPOINTSRetrieves a list of endpoints associated with a specific branch of a project.
NEON_ADD_PROJECT_EMAIL_PERMISSIONAdds permissions for a specified email address to a particular project.
NEON_UPDATE_PROJECT_COMPUTE_ENDPOINT_SETTINGSUpdates the configuration of a specific compute endpoint within a Neon project.
NEON_RETRIEVE_VPC_ENDPOINTS_FOR_PROJECTRetrieves a list of VPC endpoints associated with a specific project.
NEON_CREATE_BRANCH_DATABASECreates a new database within a specified project and branch.
NEON_DELETE_ORGANIZATION_MEMBERRemoves a specific member from an organization.
NEON_ADD_ROLE_TO_BRANCHCreates a new role within a specific branch of a project.
NEON_GET_PROJECT_BRANCH_ROLERetrieves detailed information about a specific role within a particular branch of a Neon project.
NEON_CREATE_COMPUTE_ENDPOINTCreates a new compute endpoint for a specified branch within a Neon project.
NEON_RETRIEVE_PROJECT_PERMISSIONSRetrieves the current permission settings for a specific project.
NEON_GET_ORGANIZATION_API_KEYSRetrieves a list of all API keys associated with a specific organization.
NEON_MODIFY_BRANCH_DETAILS_IN_PROJECTUpdates the details of a specific branch within a project.
NEON_SET_BRANCH_AS_DEFAULTSets a specified branch as the default branch for a given project.
NEON_CREATE_API_KEY_FOR_ORGANIZATIONCreates a new API key for the specified organization, with optional project-specific access.
NEON_START_ENDPOINT_FOR_PROJECTInitiates a specific process or workflow associated with a particular endpoint within a project.
NEON_DELETE_PROJECT_BRANCH_ROLEDeletes a specific role from a branch within a project.
NEON_RESTORE_PROJECT_BRANCHRestores a branch to a specific state or point in time.
NEON_PATCH_BRANCH_DATABASE_INFORMATIONUpdates the properties of a specific database within a project branch.
NEON_CREATE_NEW_PROJECT_BRANCHCreates a new branch in a Neon project with optional compute endpoints.
NEON_RESTART_PROJECT_ENDPOINTRestarts a specific endpoint within a project.
NEON_DELETE_ORGANIZATION_API_KEYDeletes a specific API key associated with an organization.
NEON_CREATE_PROJECT_WITH_QUOTA_AND_SETTINGSCreates a new Neon project with specified configuration settings.
NEON_REVEAL_ROLE_PASSWORD_IN_BRANCHReveals the password for a specific role within a branch of a Neon project.

To effectively use the wide array of Neon actions available through Composio, it's important to understand that each action may require specific input parameters. These parameters are essential for Composio to correctly execute the desired operation against your Neon account.

You can find detailed information about each action, including its required parameters and their descriptions under Neon app in your Composio dashboard

To utilize actions that require parameters, you simply need to include these parameters within the description of the task you assign to your CrewAI agent. The agent will intelligently extract these parameters from the task description when it uses the Composio tool.

For instance, let's consider the NEON_GET_PROJECT_CONNECTION_URI action.

Composio Neon Get Connection URI Action

This action needs the project_id, database_name, and role_name to retrieve the correct connection string. Here's how you would define a task to use this action, embedding the necessary parameters directly in the task description:

get_connection_string_task = Task(
    description="Get the connection string for the Neon project with ID 'crimson-sea-41647396', for the database named 'neondb', using the role 'neondb_owner'.",
    expected_output="The Neon connection string.",

In this example, the task description clearly provides all the necessary information for the NEON_GET_PROJECT_CONNECTION_URI action. When the crewai_agent executes this task, it will understand from the description which action to use and what parameters are needed, making it seamless to interact with more complex Neon functionalities through your AI agents. Remember to tailor your task descriptions to accurately reflect the parameters needed for the specific Neon action you intend to use.


In this guide, we've successfully built an AI agent capable of interacting with your Neon API using CrewAI and Composio. We covered the following steps:

  • Setting up your development environment with Python and installing the necessary libraries (crewai, composio-crewai, python-dotenv).
  • Configuring your API keys for Neon, Composio, and OpenAI.
  • Creating the script to define your AI agent, establish a connection to Neon via Composio, and execute a task using the NEON_GET_CURRENT_USER_INFORMATION action.
  • Running the example script and observing your AI agent successfully retrieve and display your Neon user information.
  • Exploring the wide range of available Neon actions within the Composio toolset, understanding how to extend your AI agent's capabilities.

As a next step, consider expanding your AI agent's capabilities by utilizing more of the available Neon actions. Imagine automating project creation using NEON_CREATE_PROJECT_WITH_QUOTA_AND_SETTINGS, programmatically retrieving database connection URIs with NEON_GET_PROJECT_CONNECTION_URI, and then using a Postgres library of your choice to execute database queries. This opens the door to building sophisticated AI-driven workflows for database management, data analysis, and countless other applications tailored to your specific needs.

You can find the source code for the application described in this guide on GitHub.


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