October has Hacktoberfest, and December has Advent of Code. But what about November? In some countries, it’s known for turkey on the table, but it’s also the month when, by its end, the last geese migrate from the north to the south.
This November, we’re celebrating the Goose in spirit with our first virtual Honcathon!
What is HONC?
HONC is a stack that accelerates web development, featuring Hono as a web framework, Drizzle as an ORM, Neon as a database, and Cloudflare Workers. With these tools, getting started on web projects has never been faster. Additionally, Fiberplane helps to debug and test your APIs, making development even smoother.
This month, Fiberplane is partnering with these tools to bring a touch of feathered fun to your IDE.
How It Works
There are four different categories for building applications, and participants can choose any of them. The winner of each category will receive a €500 Amazon voucher. Be sure to register, as we have some exciting activities planned throughout the Honcathon!
Ready to get started?
You’ll have until December 15th to submit your project. Don’t worry—building your project is designed to take just a half-day to a day of work, making it perfect to fit into your schedule.
This November, get your goose on with HONC!